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Beginner Resources

Beginning Band Resources

This section of the CCMS Band website is a compilation of resources for band members who are in their first year of playing their instrument. The topics covered are how to assemble your instrument, how to hold your instrument correctly, how to produce sound on your instrument, and much more. Scroll down until you find your instrument and you will find links to instructional videos. These videos are meant to supplement the instruction that our band students receive in class.



  • Click Here for the Beginning Bootcamp series. This series has instructional videos for ALL band instruments.



  • Click Here for a set of videos which will help you review how to put together your flute, hold it, and make your first sounds.

  • Click Here for a video which reviews how to to form your embouchure (mouth) and get a sound on the head joint of your flute.

  • Click Here for a different video about how to form your embouchure and get a sound on the head joint of your flute.

  • Click Here for a video which reviews how to properly hold the flute.



  • Click Here for a video which will help you review how to put together your oboe.

  • Click Here for a video which will go over how to form your embouchure (mouth) for playing.

  • Click Here for another video which covers how to form your embouchure.



  • Click Here for a video which reinforces how to assemble the bassoon.

  • Click Here for a video which reviews hand position on the bassoon.



  • Click Here for a video that shows how to put the reed on the mouthpiece (this video applies to both clarinets and saxophones).

  • Click Here for a set of videos which will help you review how to put together your clarinet, hold it, make your first sounds, and apply cork grease.



  • Click Here for a video that shows how to put the reed on the mouthpiece (this video applies to both saxophones and clarinets).

  • Click Here for set of videos that will help you to review how to put together the saxophone, hold it, and make your first sounds.

  • Click Here for a video which will refresh your memory on how to apply cork grease to the cork of your saxophone.



  • Click Here for a series of videos which will review how to assemble your trumpet, hold it, and produce your first notes.

  • Click Here for a video which reviews how to apply valve oil (baritones should watch this video too!).

  • Click Here for a video about how to properly open your instrument case.

  • Click Here for a video that will help you to review the names of the parts of your instrument.

  • Click Here for a video which reviews how to make a sound (buzzing) on your mouthpiece.

  • Click Here for another video about how to buzz on your mouthpiece to improve your sound on the trumpet.



  • Click Here for a video which explains how to buzz on the mouthpiece (both trombones AND baritones should watch this video as the mouthpieces are the same for both instruments).

  • Click Here for a video which reviews how to put together and hold your trombone.

  • Click Here for a video which will help you to review how to put slide-o-mix on the main slide of your trombone. REMEMBER: You only have to put on new slide-o-mix every 3-4 weeks, but you must spray your slide with water EVERY DAY when you play.



  • Click Here for a video which will help you to review the basic stroke on bells.

  • Click Here for a video which will review how to put together your percussion kit.

  • Click Here for a video on how to put together your bells kit and learn the basic stroke.

  • Click Here for a video about learning the basic stroke on snare.