Lance Harris- Achieve
Mr. Lance Harris
Biography: My name is Lance Harris and I am a Special Education functional academics Achieve teacher. This is my 8th year in education, my 5th year at Cesar Chavez. I grew up in Waco, Texas and graduated from Baylor University in 2010 with a Bachelors in Philosophy. My wife and I have been married for 12 years and we have 3 kids, a 7 year old girl, and two boys ages 5 and 3. Our kids keep us active and engaged in their school and we enjoy being outdoors.
My Why: Students need to be able to communicate their needs and wants in an effective way. I want to help those students who need more support to be able to communicate needs and wants as needed and/or wanted and as effectively as possible.
Phone number: 254-750-3736 ext. 5031
Conference Period: 6th period- 12:46-1:31